from ArtFutura Rome, Digital Creatures Exhibition Statement.

Audiovisual Installation
Morphogenesis (from the Greek morphê ‘’shape'' and genesis “creation”; literally, "beginning of the shape") is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape. Inspired by the phenomenon of emergence in self-organized systems, Morphogenesis consists of continuous transformation of fundamental geometrical patterns and uses them as the building blocks of immersive spaces. Originally created for fulldome and virtual reality, its 10 minute long special panorama version uses horizontally aligned 5 projectors to create a super wide immersive presentation in the aspect ratio 7.5:1.
Concept & Art Direction: Can Buyukberber
Sound Design: Yagmur Uyanik

Interactive Installation
Interaction Design: ecco screen

Interactive Sculpture
Interaction Design & Development: Marpi

Music: Dear World, NIN
December 30th, 2016