From the opening at Dolby HQ, San Francisco during SF Design Week, June 15th 2017. Photo by Cass Sadikin

Quanta (in physics, plural of quantum) invites the viewer into a hypothetical grid system, where light,
sound and space find their representations within the minimum amount of physical entities involved
in an interaction. Te work emerges from a dualistic void, where instantaneous jumps can occur from
one state to another, within the frame of a phase space that consists of all possible values of its
Composed of gradients of color in linear variations, Quanta intends to create a dynamic
presence with its form that might evoke a sense of motion, resemble a scientific schema and a
radiating source of information or intersecting planes of infinite possibilities; so clear, yet ambiguous.
presence with its form that might evoke a sense of motion, resemble a scientific schema and a
radiating source of information or intersecting planes of infinite possibilities; so clear, yet ambiguous.

"As a young artist who grew up with a passion for science fiction movies, I'm well aware of the technical milestones that Dolby achieved in the cinematic arts. And when I began to think about the basics of Dolby's vision, it led me to physics, specifically quantum physics, where light, sound, and space are defined by a minimal set of physical properties. It's the inspiration from these scientific schemas that informed the artwork." – Can Buyukberber

Hailing from London, Thailand, Poland, Japan and the United States, participating artists and designers include Can Buyukberber, Rob Lowe / Supermundane, Sawdust, Volvox Labs, GMUNK, Gretel, Skip Hursh, Michael Paul Young, onformative, Dave McLeod, Logan, Sara Andreasson, Territory, Daniel Freytag, Eddie Opara / Pentagram, Field, Reza Ali, Young Never Sleep, Experimental Jetset, Motoi Shito, Man vs. Machine, and Mucho.

First round of design studies and initial concepts.