Human & Technology

Exploring the Interplay of Human and Technology: Can Buyukberber's Original Digital Art for Togg's 'Mode Art.' A fusion of history, innovation, and artistic expression, bridging the gap from Muybridge's galloping horses to today's digital frontier.

From the Mode Art exhibition and the TruMore App launch event at Zorlu Center PSM, December 2022

The Evolution of Movement: Inspiring Innovation in Digital Arts and Technology
Artist Statement

"Muybridge’s photographs of galloping horses, illustrated in 1878, foreshadowed the recorded image of human walking on the surface of the Moon. The desire to photograph movement has inspired the development of many new technologies, ranging from cinema to aviation, and has also been effective in the emergence of art movements such as Futurism, which represents speed, energy, power, and dynamism. In today’s cinema, motion capture technology—familiar to us from Avatar—has opened the door to brand new possibilities in digital arts by transferring human movements to the computer environment. By abstracting the relationship between humans and technology as a three-dimensional kinetic sculpture, I aimed to create an iconic digital work that captures Togg’s forward-looking innovative vision while establishing a historical connection with the development of art and technology."
Research: Capturing Motion
Click to see the slides in fullscreen
What is Mode Art?
Mode Art, a digital art application crafted by Trumore and Neva XR, offers an interactive platform dedicated to the exhibition and viewing of digital artworks. Elevate your T10X into a portable art gallery using Mode Art, the pioneering online digital art streaming platform.
Embark on digital art tours within collections showcasing original works by new media artists. Seamlessly access your preferred pieces and experience the therapeutic influence of art through the music therapy library. Integrated into the superwide display of electric cars, digital art becomes an intrinsic element, extending its smart functionalities through the app.
"More Than a Car"

Togg, founded in 2018 by industry leaders like Anadolu Group, BMC, Turkcell, Zorlu Holding, and TOBB, aims to establish a global presence with electric, autonomous, and connected smart devices. Starting with born-electric SUVs in 2022, Togg envisions a clean future without harmful emissions. The company fosters innovation, collaborating with partners and start-ups to develop new services and business models within its smart and connected vehicle ecosystem.
Large digital prints are on display at the Togg Campus
Large digital prints are on display at the Togg Campus
Large digital prints are on display at the Togg Campus
Large digital prints are on display at the Togg Campus
 LED Installation at the Zorlu Center PSM
LED Installation at the Zorlu Center PSM
İnsan ve Teknoloji (TR)
Muybridge'in 1878'de resimlediği dört nala koşan at fotoğrafları, Ay yüzeyinde yürüyen insanın kaydedilen görüntüsünün habercisiydi. Hareketin fotoğraflanabilmesi arzusu sinemadan havacılığa kadar uzanan pek çok yeni teknolojinin gelişimine ilham verdiği gibi, hız, enerji, güç ve dinamizmi temsil eden Fütürizm gibi sanat akımlarının ortaya çıkmasında da etkili olmuştur. Günümüz sinemasında Avatar'dan aşina olduğumuz hareket yakalama teknolojisi, insan hareketlerinin bilgisayar ortamına aktarılabilmesi ile dijital sanatlarda yepyeni olasılıklara kapı açmıştır. İnsan ve teknoloji arasındaki ilişkiyi üç boyutlu bir kinetik heykel olarak soyutlarak, Togg'un ileriye dönük yenilikçi vizyonunu yakalarken, sanat ve teknolojinin gelişimiyle tarihsel bir bağlantı kuran ikonik bir dijital eser yaratmak istedim. -Can Büyükberber
Neva XR Credits
Producer: Neva XR
Chief of Concept and Design: Mehmet Ünal
Chief of Technical Direction: Alican Okan
Chief of Experience Design: Kerem Demirayak
Creative Direction: Mehmet Ünal
Product Owner: Çağatay Güçlü
Project Management: Barış Kıratlı
Software Development & AI Model Development: Çağatay Güçlü
Creative Technologist : Çağatay Güçlü
Hyperspace: An Immersive Experience through Space and Time
Premiered at CES 2024, Las Vegas, NV
"Hyperspace" explores the concept found in science fiction, representing a dimension beyond conventional space and time. Emphasizing TOGG's visionary approach in the electric vehicle landscape, the installation serves as a metaphor for the brand's commitment to pushing boundaries and resonates with Visual Artist Can Buyukberber's dedication to immersive experiences that challenge perception. Inspired by the exploration of higher dimensions in physics, "Hyperspace" unfolds in two interconnected realms: "Space" and “Time".

Expanding on Buyukberber's previous work, "Human & Technology”, the artwork builds upon the historical connection between human movement and technological progress. "Hyperspace" takes the exploration of spatial dimensions further and symbolizes space and time through digital characters racing at light speed, embodying recursive self- improvement and reflecting TOGG's spirit of innovation. It invites CES 2024 attendees to envision TOGG as a vessel navigating the boundless possibilities of the future in electric mobility.
Stay tuned for Can Buyukberber's next piece, "Hyperspace" presented at CES 2024 in Las Vegas.
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