
Buyukberber's animated artwork series "Transient" consists of undulating abstract representations of our physical world. These transient landscapes, entities and processes emphasize the ephemerality of our frame of references in relation to our environment. Vibrant hypnotizing artworks invite the viewer into a poetic meditation on the relative nature of physical forms, space and time.

Transient No. 7
"Organic folds, roll and flow like a seashell growing, the delicate inside of an orchid, or a slickrock canyon being formed before our eyes. Thin earth-toned stripes draw our eye into the piece, riding the big curves in the foreground and exploring the tighter folds that form shelves in the background. Surfaces bend and roll in on themselves, forming new fold like breaking waves, constantly adding, replacing, reconstituting." 
-Tiffany Yau, Curator
Transient for the Depict Frame, the world's first museum quality 4k digital canvas.
Transient No. 8
"Undulating forms like striped ribbon candy approach, then recede in this captivating video composition. The extreme close-up feels as if we're hovering just above curving striped hills. Their movement is uncanny, almost alive, like the slithering of a languorous snake." 
-Tiffany Yau, Curator
From Plugin 2018, Contemporary Istanbul
From Plugin 2018, Contemporary Istanbul
Bodyscapes III
Bodyscapes III
See more from "Transient/Radiant" visual experiments on the blog page.
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