From Sketch to Pixel Exhibition, Antalya Culture Road Festival

Exhibition Production by Ayyıldız Communication, Curated by Ayşe Demirci

📍Antalya Kültür Sanat
Transcendent Patterns of Light and Form
How does one grasp the intangible? The elusive dimensions beyond our reach? The whispered futures echoing through time? In a world of digital artistry and immersive realities, can we fathom the unfathomable? Can we truly feel the abstract? Dive into the enigma. Question. Explore. Transcend.
How does one grasp the intangible? The elusive dimensions beyond our reach? The whispered futures echoing through time? In a world of digital artistry and immersive realities, can we fathom the unfathomable? Can we truly feel the abstract? Dive into the enigma. Question. Explore. Transcend.

Cosmic Weave on the largest LED Facade of the West Coast, as part of a public art program in collaboration with StandardVision, June 2024. The Circa DTLA Platform is across from Crypto Arena and adjacent to LA Live in Los Angeles, CA (above).
Digital sculptures from Cosmic Weave on display at the historic Long Beach Airport, California. Presented in collaboration with StandardVision, 2025 (below).

Intersecting Realms
In "Cosmic Weave", Can Buyukberber offers a refreshed interpretation of his pieces from the "Luminous" and "Multiverse" series. This collection of digital sculptures unravels the intricate tapestry of the universe, inviting viewers into a realm where the mysteries of higher-dimensional spaces, futurism, and the foundations of physics merge with the sensibilities of contemporary digital artistry.
In "Cosmic Weave", Can Buyukberber offers a refreshed interpretation of his pieces from the "Luminous" and "Multiverse" series. This collection of digital sculptures unravels the intricate tapestry of the universe, inviting viewers into a realm where the mysteries of higher-dimensional spaces, futurism, and the foundations of physics merge with the sensibilities of contemporary digital artistry.

Symmetry of the Cosmos
"Cosmic Weave" uses light, form, color, and space to present a rhythmic interplay that mirrors the complex tapestry of the cosmos itself. The sculptures resonate with spaces that stretch beyond our conventional three-dimensional understanding, hinting at the multi-faceted realms of higher mathematics. They echo the foundational principles of physics, like the wave-particle duality and the intricate dance of light and matter. Drawing inspiration from nature's recurring patterns, such as the helical structure of DNA and the vast neural networks, the pieces showcase the intrinsic symmetry and rhythm that underline the living world.
"Cosmic Weave" uses light, form, color, and space to present a rhythmic interplay that mirrors the complex tapestry of the cosmos itself. The sculptures resonate with spaces that stretch beyond our conventional three-dimensional understanding, hinting at the multi-faceted realms of higher mathematics. They echo the foundational principles of physics, like the wave-particle duality and the intricate dance of light and matter. Drawing inspiration from nature's recurring patterns, such as the helical structure of DNA and the vast neural networks, the pieces showcase the intrinsic symmetry and rhythm that underline the living world.

Futurism and the Evolving Sensory Experience
The essence of futurism is seamlessly integrated into Buyukberber's art, capturing a vision of a world shaped by the confluence of advanced technological and scientific strides. The digital realm crafted by Buyukberber acts as an atmospheric catalyst, elevating the viewer's mood. The intricate patterns and evolving geometries have a hypnotic quality, working in tandem with the curated ambient soundscape, to induce a state of serene contemplation. This environment encourages the release of stress, offering a mental respite and subtly shifting one's cognitive focus toward a broader, cosmic perspective. The shifting forms and luminous patterns challenge and expand one's spatial awareness, prompting the audience to experience a shift in their understanding of scale and dimensionality.
The essence of futurism is seamlessly integrated into Buyukberber's art, capturing a vision of a world shaped by the confluence of advanced technological and scientific strides. The digital realm crafted by Buyukberber acts as an atmospheric catalyst, elevating the viewer's mood. The intricate patterns and evolving geometries have a hypnotic quality, working in tandem with the curated ambient soundscape, to induce a state of serene contemplation. This environment encourages the release of stress, offering a mental respite and subtly shifting one's cognitive focus toward a broader, cosmic perspective. The shifting forms and luminous patterns challenge and expand one's spatial awareness, prompting the audience to experience a shift in their understanding of scale and dimensionality.

Kozmik Dokuma: Işık ve Formun Aşkın Desenleri (TR)
“Kozmik Dokuma" adlı çalışmasında, Can Büyükberber "Luminous" ve "Multiverse" serilerindeki eserlerine taze bir yorum getiriyor. Bu dijital heykel koleksiyonu, evrenin karmaşık dokusuna odaklanırken, izleyicileri yüksek boyutlu bir uzayın, fütürizm ve fizik temellerinin çağdaş dijital sanat anlayışıyla birleştiği bir alana davet ediyor.
“Kozmik Dokuma", ışık, form, renk ve hareketi kullanarak, kozmosun karmaşık dokusunu yansıtan ritmik bir duyusal deneyim sunar. Heykeller, geleneksel üç boyutlu anlayışımızın ötesine uzanan, yüksek matematiğin çok yüzlü alemlerine işaret eder. Bu hareketli formlar, dalga-parçacık ikiliği ve ışık ile madde arasındaki karmaşık dans gibi, fiziğin temel ilke ve kurallarının yansımalarını içerir. DNA'nın sarmal yapısı ve nöral ağlar gibi doğanın tekrar eden desenlerinden ilham alan eser yaşamın temelindeki simetriyi ve ritmi sergiler.
“Kozmik Dokuma", ışık, form, renk ve hareketi kullanarak, kozmosun karmaşık dokusunu yansıtan ritmik bir duyusal deneyim sunar. Heykeller, geleneksel üç boyutlu anlayışımızın ötesine uzanan, yüksek matematiğin çok yüzlü alemlerine işaret eder. Bu hareketli formlar, dalga-parçacık ikiliği ve ışık ile madde arasındaki karmaşık dans gibi, fiziğin temel ilke ve kurallarının yansımalarını içerir. DNA'nın sarmal yapısı ve nöral ağlar gibi doğanın tekrar eden desenlerinden ilham alan eser yaşamın temelindeki simetriyi ve ritmi sergiler.

Teknoloji ve Duyusal Deneyimlerin Birleşimi
Fütürizm etkileri Can Büyükberber'in çalışmalarının doğal öğelerinden biri olarak teknolojik ve bilimsel ilerlemelerin birleşimiyle şekillenen bir dünya vizyonunu yakalamayı amaçlıyor. Büyükberber tarafından oluşturulan dijital duyusal alan, izleyicinin ruh halini yükselten bir atmosferik katalizör olarak işlev görüyor. Karmaşık desenler ve hareketli geometriler hipnotik bir niteliğe sahip ambiyans seslerle birlikte sakin bir derin düşünme durumuna yol açıyor. Bu ortam, stresin azalımını teşvik ederken, zihinsel bir mola sunuyor ve kişinin bilişsel odağını daha kozmik bir perspektife doğru genişletiyor. Değişen formlar ve parlak desenler, izleyicinin mekansal farkındalığını etkilerken, ölçek ve boyut anlayışında bir değişiklik yaşamasını sağlıyor.

Generative A.I.-assisted initial concept explorations for “Cosmic Weave"
Reality is woven with threads of light, and in the tapestry of the cosmos, we find the sublime interplay of mathematics, form, and color. As we delve into the mysteries of higher dimensions, we unravel the fabric of perception, challenging the very essence of scale and dimensionality. It is through this cosmic weave that we transcend the tangible, sparking profound questions that echo in the silent contemplation of abstract possibilities."
Stay tuned for the upcoming exhibition dates