Evoking a sense of other-worldliness with its recursive transformations without a beginning or end, Multiverse Series consists of transcendental objects that are poetic audiovisual meditations, transforming in viewers mind from DNA strands to a black hole, with its intersecting nets of complex higher-dimensional geometries.

Expanding the universe of “Mediated Virtuality” from his artist residency at Autodesk Pier 9 Workshop, an interactive installation that brings together virtuality reality experience and 3d printed sculptures by blurring the sense of scale and presence in physical and digital environments, “Multiverse” brings the hypnotic forms back to different displays in public and private spaces as kinetic sculptures. It explores further vibrant geometries made of speculative materials by developing a new visual language. Precise yet obscure; ancient yet futuristic.

Buyukberber has shared his daily process of the series on his social media galleries which gained a large online following in a very short amount of time. Later, in collaboration with Obscura Digital, selected animated artworks from “Multiverse” series became a part of 60 feet tall permanent outdoor LED installation at MGM National Harbor, Washington D.C. Consisting of two 10 minute set, Buyukberber prepared site-specific iterations of the pieces for Obscura, creating a spectacular sculptural presence with 3 dimensional large display and delicate reflections on the pool next to it.

“Noumenon” is a posited object that exists without sense or perception. In Kantian philosophy, the unknowable noumenon is often linked to the unknowable “thing-in-itself". A special collection featuring "Noumenon 02" and "Metafold 03" will be available on Sedition Art in limited digital editions for collectors.

Reminiscent of the idea of time as a landscape to an intersecting fabric of spaces as the surface of a manifold, the organic forms of Multiverse folds and unfolds on themselves with fluid movements. Sculptural forms crystallizes a holistic interpretation of the universes and possibilities beyond ours.

"Unlimited Creations" exhibition in Artemis Gallery, Lisbon, 2022.
New edition artworks from Multiverse Series. Photos by Jorge Silva.
New edition artworks from Multiverse Series. Photos by Jorge Silva.